Goddess Paloma



Paloma is a British-born, Austin-based life coach and tantric massage enchantress. Weaving together sensual touch, kundalini yoga, and heartfelt conversation she creates an experience for her clients that transcends the physical.

Eight years in the vibrant embrace of Austin has infused Paloma’s practice with a touch of Texan warmth and a whole lot of self-discovery wisdom. Her journey began in the UK and then New York city, where she honed her skills as a life coach, but it was upon arriving in Austin that she felt the call to explore the deeper realms of spirituality and healing. Tantric massage, with its focus on energetic connection and self-exploration, resonated deeply with Paloma’s desire to empower others on their journeys.

As Paloma’s gentle hands move across your body, releasing tension and blockages, a conversation unfolds. Not about the weather, but about your deepest desires, fears, and dreams. Through gentle guidance and open-ended questions, she helps you tap into your inner wisdom, fostering self-awareness and emotional release.

Kundalini yoga, the yoga of awakening, adds another layer of magic to these sessions. Specific postures and breathing exercises help awaken your chakras, the internal energy centres governing your well-being. As you move and breathe with Paloma’s guidance, you’ll feel a surge of vitality and a deeper connection to your body and its potential.

By the end of your session with Paloma, you won’t just feel physically relaxed, but emotionally lighter and more in tune with yourself. You’ll leave with a renewed sense of self-worth, empowered to navigate life’s challenges with more grace and clarity.

Paloma is a passionate advocate for self-care and personal growth. When she’s not weaving her tantric magic, you might find her on her yoga mat, exploring new destinations and dancefloors, or curled up with a good book on mindfulness. Her infectious enthusiasm and genuine warmth make her not just a skilled practitioner, but also a trusted friend and guide on your path to self-discovery.

So, if you’re seeking an experience that goes beyond the physical, a journey that awakens your body, mind, and spirit, look no further. Let her be your guide on a transformative tantric adventure, and discover the god or goddess within you.

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