Indiana Indianapolis Women TantraJust Ken Tantra


Humans are social creatures by nature. We need to interact with and touch other people. To deny ourselves this natural interaction as our society often wreaks havoc on our mental, emotional, and even physical well-being.

Hi, I’m Ken.

I have a bachelor’s degree in medical technology and a master’s degree in quality and regulatory compliance.

I was in the Air Force as an officer for a total of seven years.

I have spent over 35 years working in quality control in the pharmaceutical industry.

This science-based, highly regulated, stressful life had nearly sucked the soul out of me. Then I had my first tantric bodywork experience.

To be honest, when I had my first session, I didn’t care one bit about Chi or chakras or having anything balanced or unblocked. All that seemed like nonsense to me.

During a sad, depressing, and lonely part of my life, I just needed to be touched by another human being. Touched with compassion and affection. Touched without judgment of my body weight. I just needed a connection with someone.

What I got was a mind-blowing, life-changing experience that left me believing that there are very real things that science isn’t yet ready to explain or quantify. I was on a three-day high that had me feeling like I was walking on clouds.

That’s why I’m here. At some point, we’re all hurting from loneliness or past trauma that we need help recovering from. Some find it easiest to recover through talking to a therapist – but if your love language is touch, as mine is, tantric bodywork may be the answer for you.

I know you’re likely to be uneasy coming to a man for this type of treatment. I get it. Just rest assured that my top priority is your comfort. If you’re not comfortable, the session is unlikely to yield positive results, and you’re not likely to return for another session. That’s a lose-lose situation, and we’d both prefer a win-win. I’ll make sure you’re comfortable, and will never push you into anything you’re not 100% comfortable with, ok?

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