Chicago Tantra Near MeGoddess Tara


Certified Tantra Coach, Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Goddess Empowerment Coach, Ayurvedic Aesthetician, Angel Reiki Master/Teacher


The word Tantra holds a mystery. What is it? I’ve been sharing this sacred art for almost a decade and this is how I would describe it:


Tantra is the return to love within our human experience. It is the expression of the divine within our physical body. 


Although the West has focused on the sexual expansion or spiritual sexuality (yes It can definitely bring you to that place), in truth it’s so much more!


It’s falling in love with your essence, it’s having the courage to shine your light, it’s bringing your higher Self into your body (heaven on earth), it’s removing obstacles and heaviness from your body temple. 


Tantra is an art, a practice, a remembering of who you truly are. It’s your breath, your voice, your surrender, your strength, your love that creates this sacred space.


This offering is for the conscious spiritual rebel, the artist, the lover, the broken, the pure of heart, the seeker.


It’s a systemic way to activate more joy, miracles and beauty in the ordinary life, bringing your dreams into the physical world. 


The art of Tantra is the fulfillment of my highest soul path. Let’s remember together the truth of who we are and live a higher vibrational life! 


I draw from a full spectrum of healing modalities that speak your language of love. These may include 

Reiki, Ayurvedic Beauty Rituals, Shamanism,  Kundalini Yoga, Breathwork, Crystal Wisdom, Sound healing, and Guided Meditation all within a Tantric framework. I am humbled to “serve in love” at this most transformative present moment. Blessings to you beautiful soul!


If this offering speaks to your heart, please reach out to schedule a complimentary phone consultation with me. 

What clients are saying:

“Since I’ve known Tara she’s been dependable, trustworthy, someone l can count on and a real joy to work with.”  David M, Scottsdale, AZ

“She is pure feminine Love embodied. She gives a direct transmission of powerful love through her pure Presence. She will anoint you with Sacred Love that reaches the deep places where Love has been forgotten.  Being in her presence is being in the presence of a Goddess.  That gift is invaluable and the reward cannot be measured.” Leah A

“My Tantra training with Tara has been nothing short of magical. I’m a Reiki Master and reached out to learn about Tantra because I was excited to add another layer of energy work to the list of ways I could help people. What I gained from this training was so much more. I learned how to open my Goddess mind and body, how to forgive myself and love myself more. I gained confidence in doing what feels right for me in everyday life, how to move and speak in ways that feel empowering instead of closed off and hidden. I was shown how to use the energy of the Universe to physically give others love and confidence in themselves that they may be missing alone. I left every training session with an open heart and with excitement for the future. Because of Tara, I am so ready to help other people see their beautiful selves for who they truly are.” Trista

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